

The sweetness of beetroot adds taste and colour to many dishes. Enjoy raw, baked or boiled.

Prepare a potful and keep for use in different salads.

Idea: boil until tender – about 40 minutes, depending on size. Remove skin, cut into sticks and turn in a dressing of balsamic vinegar, a teaspoon of honey, and mustard. Decorate with parsley.

Tip: beetroot juice stains strongly. Remove the stains from your hands by rubbing with lemon juice.



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Check out this overview of the root vegetables we’re growing for the 2021/2022 season.

Tips and Facts

Tips and Facts

Did you know you can protect your skin and relieve the effects of excessive exposure to the sun by eating carrots?
More details here.

About Limfjords

About Limfjords

The vegetable grower Limfjords Danske Rodfrugter ApS is a family firm which has been growing fresh vegetables since 1937.

Contact info:
Niels Ege Nielsen·Limfjords·Gadekærsvej 33·DK-9280 Storvorde·Denmark··