Sustainable production
Our production methods have undergone some entirely natural changes over the past ten years.
Although most of our products are grown using conventional methods, we maintain a strict focus on ensuring that everything is done with forethought and respect for the environment.
We ourselves are consumers, and like most Danish consumers, we expect our vegetable production to be sustainable.
We’re certified under the international standard for fruit and vegetables, GLOBALGAP (formerly EurepGAP), which sets a series of requirements with which we as growers must comply.
These requirements ensure that our root vegetables are grown and packaged with care for the environment and focus on food safety.
One of GLOBALGAP’s objectives is to assure consumers and dealers that the production involves the least possible use of herbicides and fertilisers. The standard also places heavy emphasis on hygiene and food safety.
GAP stands for “Good Agricultural practice”.
The basic principles are:
Food safety